Under Construction Website

Hi! Perhaps you have noticed not a lot of activity on my website in three months. Well, there has been a lot of activity but much of it has not yet been visible. I hope you are following my daily devotional posts on my Facebook page.

I have been working with a precious editor over the past few months who has challenged me to search not just my heart, but God’s heart. My years on television were a part of me, but they do not define me. I have been changing the website to reflect, just that very transformation.

While I still plan to share recipes in the future, I took down all of the recipes because they were eating up too much space. (See what I did there?) : )

Feeding hearts for Jesus is my greatest desire. Food falls further down the list.

I have been busy editing and working on my second draft of my book. This has been agonizing and beautifully freeing to write.

Terry and I are working on a new website as part of a new chapter in our lives, and once it is ready, I cannot wait to share it with you!

For now, I hope you understand the “under construction website” dark days. While it appeared I was being silent, I was just busy talking elsewhere.

Very soon there will be more to share! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sticking with me all these years. : )

God bless your heart.
